The Japanese have perfected the art of wrapping furoshiki over 400 years. Elegantly tie anything from books to bottles and make any gift extra special — just follow the simple instructions below:

Hand Carry Wrap

手提げ袋 (Te·sa·ge·bu·ku·ro) — use as a hand bag or for your shopping and say sayonara to plastic bags.

How to wrap a furoshiki to make a simple carry bag Furoshiki hand carry wrap

Folded Paper Furoshiki $48

Book Carry Wrap

お使い包み (Otsukai·tsu·tsu·mi) — great for books and bento boxes, or a use it as an elegant gift wrap.

How to wrap a book in a furoshiki
Furoshiki bento or book wrap

Maze Furoshiki $48

Bottle Carry Wrap

瓶包み (Bin·tsu·tsu·mi) — makes a perfectly wrapped gift for a party, and a great way to carry bottles to a picnic.

How to wrap bottles in a furoshiki
Furoshiki bottle wrap

Stripe Furoshiki $48

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