How to use furoshiki

Furoshiki is a very unique yet quintessential Japanese item that has been ingrained into Japanese life. It’s second nature to most Japanese to use a cloth like this in it’s various ways – whereas to many foreigners this is a novel but slightly alien idea. The beauty of the furoshiki is it’s versatility – there are endless ways to use one, all you need is a bit of imagination. Here are a few ideas to inspire you.

Scarf, towel, table cloth, table runner, picnic blanket, baby blanket, a throw, a wall hanging, bandanna … or try one of the following wrapping ideas.

Otsukai Tsutsumi (Book Carry Wrap):

Yotsu Musubi (Four tie Wrap):

Eno Tsutsumi (Long Object Wrap):

Tesage Bukuro (Hand Carry Wrap):

Bin Tsutsumi (Bottle Carry Wrap)

Mini movies!

Also view easy to follow movie clips of how to use here and here.

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